
作者:钱  瑜


油漆除了颜色外还有一个性质叫光泽(Sheen),也可以看作亮度,从亮到不亮依次有:高光(Gloss), 半光(Semi Gloss), 缎子般的光(Satin), 鸡蛋壳般的光(Eggshell), 磨砂光(Matte)和不光(Flat)。去店里买油漆时,要告诉店家需要什么颜色和什么光泽。光泽越高,反光越强。高反光不适用于房间。光泽高的好处是好擦洗,但重新油漆时新漆不太好附着,刷的不太好的话较容易看出来。光泽低的好处是不好擦洗,但容易重新油漆,刷的不太好的地方也不容易看出。此外,还要考虑油漆的气味(Odor),室内漆的话,要用低气味 (Low Odor),要不然刷完后要开好久的窗户通风。

室外:墙体 – 不光(Flat),门和Trim – 白色高光(Gloss)
室内:厨房、厕所、客厅、餐厅 – 鸡蛋壳般的光(Eggshell),卧室 -不光(Flat),Trim – 白色半光(Semi Gloss)

Home Depot, Lowes 和Sherwin Williams都有油漆出售。油漆粉刷公司一般都从油漆专卖店Sherwin Williams购买,他们需要在专卖店建立账户,也会拿到20%左右的折扣。当然,他们是不是把这个折扣转给了客户就不得而知了。如果自己粉刷,就去Home Depot或Lowes购买。

如果是从来没有刷过的表面,要用白色底漆(Primer)。外面再刷本漆。这个情况造新房子时会碰到。一般住户需要做的是重新粉刷,就不用专门先刷一层底漆。如果要牢靠点,可以用底本合一的漆“Paint and Primer in One”。重新粉刷时如果更换了板材,则需要刷底漆。



房屋大小 墙体(加仑) 边板(加仑) 油漆费用(美元)
1500平方英尺 8 2 300
2500平方英尺 12 3 450
3500平方英尺 15 4 570
5000平方英尺 20 7 810


房屋大小 墙体(加仑) 边板(加仑) 油漆费用(美元)
1500 平方英尺 12 3 450
2500平方英尺 18 4 660
3500平方英尺 22 6 840
5000平方英尺 30 10 1200



房屋大小 墙体(加仑) 门、窗框、脚板、边板(加仑) 油漆费用(美元)
1500 平方英尺 12 3 450
2500平方英尺 18 4 660
3500平方英尺 25 6 930
5000平方英尺 35 8 1290


房屋大小 墙体(加仑) 门、窗框、脚板、边板(加仑) 油漆费用(美元)
1500平方英尺 18 4 660
2500平方英尺 27 6 1050
3500平方英尺 37 9 1380
5000平方英尺 52 12 1920





We hereby propose to supply all labor and material in accordance with all work listed below:

  • Completely power wash all surfaces to be painted to remove any dirt, mildew, algae, or other debris, to prepare for the paint finish
  • All caulking on exterior of home will be re-caulked in its entirety. Product to be used will be Sherwin Williams quality Elastomeric caulking to promote a watertight seal to prevent water intrusion.
  • We will re-secure any loose siding board. We will pre-drill a hole to prevent siding from breaking, and re-nail the siding to the house.
  • Hand scrape and feather sand all loose and peeling paint to a firm edge to prevent future peeling and to ensure a firm base for new paint.
  • All nail heads that are below the surface of the siding (recessed) will be filled with painter’s putty to prevent any further moisture exposure.
  • Completely prime any bare wood areas using Sherwin Williams ProBlock primer to allow proper bonding of the finish paint.
  • Completely paint all exterior trim using Sherwin Williams Resilience Exterior Acrylic Latex Paint in a gloss finish in a one coat application. Color to be white. Gutters and downspouts are also to be painted. Downspouts will be removed so that trim boards will be painted behind them, and replaced.  Garage door is included.
  • Completely paint all siding using quality Sherwin William Resilience Exterior Acrylic Latex Paint in a flat finish. Color to match existing. Painting process is a one coat application. Siding will be hand brushed to properly seal the Masonite siding.
  • All previously painted doors will be re-painted using Sherwin Williams Resilience Exterior Acrylic Latex Paint in a gloss finish, color to match existing.

We hereby propose to supply all labor and material in accordance with all work listed below:


  • Remove all remaining masonite siding from the chimney chase and replace with fiber cement board. We will also remove all trim boards and replace with PVC.
  • At rear of house we will replace two pieces of siding at roof line with fiber cement board.
  • At front of house there are a couple rotten corner boards, we will remove and replace with PVC.
  • If any other wood rot is found during the preparation process we will also replace with PVC.
  • The two dormers above garage have wood rot at the lower right side of the window sashes. We will repair with fiberglass bondo the best we can. Homeowner is aware that the window sash will need to be replaced at some point.
  • At right side of house, remove and replace window sill nosing using PVC.

Total: $6.042.00

外墙修理如果要换角板(Corner Board)的话,要用不腐烂的 PVC (一种塑料产品)。烂掉的外墙板Mason Board Siding (一种近乎纸头的板)要换成不腐烂的水泥复合板(Hardie Boards)。不腐烂的板要贵,但比起人工还是便宜的,以后也不用担心腐烂了。长8英尺宽5.5英寸厚0.75寸的PVC板大概25美元。长12英尺宽8.25英寸的水泥复合板大概10美元。
