fafalist.com  发发网 (北卡三角区华人服务网)


评论时间: 2020-10-03 14:07:55     服务时间: 2020-09-23     服务价格: $
5 out of 5 stars      May is a true professional who always strives for excellence. We are very pleased with May's service throughout the recent selling experience of our property. May tempts to stick to real estate principals while attending details. She has been very dedicated to her profession and her care about the clients and does not mind walking extra mile for helping out. Highly recommended! - Xin, Morrisville, NC

评论时间: 2020-09-23 13:09:50     服务时间: 2020-09-18     服务价格: $
5 out of 5 stars      May是一位非常优秀的房产经纪人,工作认真负责任!我在Cary的房子由她经手不到一个月内就出售了。尤其是在房屋出售之后,遇到买主许多不合理的要求。May都即时,有效地帮助解决了!更为感动的是,我们在卖房时己离开Cary.,所有房屋的整理工作均是May亲力亲为,尤其是在役情严重时期,更加可贵!因为她待人真城,所以她帮忙找的修理工,清洁工等等均价格合理、质量有保证。总之一句话,无论买房卖房May绝对值得信赖!极力推荐给大家! - 谷惠 ,CARY ,NC

评论时间: 2020-08-30 19:08:28     服务时间: 2020-07-30     服务价格: $
5 out of 5 stars      May was wonderful from the start. She quickly met with me at the property, and was able to guide me regarding purchasing the property. She was prepared with a contract, negotiated quickly with the selling team, and kept me informed the whole way. She really made the process smooth, and made sure I didn’t miss any steps. With May, you are in good hands. - Kim, Raleigh, NC

评论时间: 2020-07-08 22:39:40     服务时间: 2020-07-08     服务价格: $
5 out of 5 stars      Professional, Personable, Prompt and Passionate characterize May. I feel so fortunate to have May as my real estate agent. She's so knowledgeable and always think for her clients, always willing to help and making herself available, straightforward, generous and fulfilling. A great friend and a top tier professional. - Tinghui Xin ,Cary ,NC

评论时间: 2020-04-08 11:08:56     服务时间: 2020-03-08     服务价格: $
5 out of 5 stars      We have recently sold a house through our real estate agent May Huang. May is a very professional agent with wealthy real estate knowledge. She provided us an analysis of current market prices in the area where our house located, and helped us to setup a fair price for selling the house. Following her professional instruction, we received offer in one day after the house was in the market. It was amazing! The process of transition of ownership went extremely smooth. May always gave us clear instructions ahead of every step and follow up after that. In addition to her professioness, May is also a very efficient and kind person. She is easy to talk to and always willing to help. It was very joyful to work with her. We greatly appreciate all she has done for managing and selling our property. - Liu, Durham, NC

评论时间: 2020-01-15 22:35:41     服务时间: 2019-12-16     服务价格: $
5 out of 5 stars      儿子今年到北卡RTP工作, 为了了解当地房屋租购情况,我在网上查到美华, 因为大家对她的评语很好, 就联系她。三个月后,美华就主动联系我们说有一处新开发的townhouse很适合年轻人。我们很快去看了房子, 儿子很喜欢就买下了, 现在已经入住, 上班只要几分钟, 也不会堵车。美华非常热心, 也非常专业。从购房, 货款, 买保险, 检查房屋到最后过户, 美华都能及时帮助我们。我住在外州, 因为有美华的协助一切都变得非常容易。她对购房人的需求判断很准, 对那一带房屋市场很了解, 对房价的分析很客观, 也很到位。我们非常有幸遇到这样的经纪人, 谢谢你, 美华! 下次去北卡, 希望有机会看看你种的菜。- Chen, Maryland, USA。

评论时间: 2019-12-18 10:09:39     服务时间: 2019-11-18     服务价格: $
5 out of 5 stars      As a first time homebuyer new to the area, I could not have had a better experience. May was instrumental in helping with the buying process. The knowledge she provided about the process itself and the Raleigh-Durham local market was timely, professional, and focused. As working professional with limited free time, I needed a balance between concise information but also thorough coverage to ensure nothing was missed. May's attentiveness to my needs and proactive nature were invaluable in this journey. Her services are highly recommended. - Charlie, Raleigh, NC

评论时间: 2019-11-18 10:35:41     服务时间: 2019-10-16     服务价格: $
5 out of 5 stars      我新來到 RTP 地区,也不曾买过房子,对在这个地区和买房可以说是一无所知。May 非常有条理和组织地帮我安排买房过程所有的一切。她告诉我的买房过程知识和提供给我的本地房地产市场信息,都是非常及时,专业,和有郊。我,象许多现代年轻的职业工作者一样,工作强度大,负荷重,没有时间和精力花在找房子的资源上,我需要一个房产经纪帮我提供精确的房源信息,同时也不想漏掉我想看的房子。May 做事的专心和认真恰恰满足了我的需求。Msy 积极主动的做事态度给在买房过程中带来了无价的帮助!我强烈地推荐 May! – Charlie, Raleigh, NC

评论时间: 2019-10-07 20:00:40     服务时间: 2019-09-16     服务价格: $
5 out of 5 stars      May 是一个很有经验的房产经纪人。她做事效率非常高,而且总是把客户利益放在第一位。她对 RTP 这个地区和这个地区的房产市场非常熟悉。她手头有许多极好的其他资源,比如说,验房师,handyman, 电工,暖空公司等等,这帮我在买房过程中的房子检查和修理,和买房后的装修非常有用。我强烈推荐 May! - Diana, Apex, NC

评论时间: 2019-09-08 10:24:28     服务时间: 2019-07-22     服务价格: $
5 out of 5 stars      当时来北卡之前联系的是另一位经纪,来到北卡之后就失联了。在无意之间就看到了May的联系方式,通过网站评语的初步了解,决定和May聊聊我们在北卡的住房打算。很快May就邀请我们去到了她的办公室一起商榷住房问题。May通过询问大致了解了我们的住房需求,并给予了专业建议。接下来的几天非常热心和专业的帮助我们挑选房子,不厌其烦的向我们介绍不同的地区房屋的优势和缺点。最终一段时间之后帮助我们购置了心意的房屋。Mey是一位非常敬业,专业,有耐心的经纪顾问,短短的时间内,现在我们已经从当初的第一次见面,变成了生活里的朋友。非常感谢Mey的帮助。如果有需要的朋友,真的非常建议您和May聊聊。 - Leo ,Toronto ,ON